How to Clear Kitchen Clutter
Too much clutter in your kitchen? As spring is in full swing, now’s the time to finally sort out ‘that drawer’ or address the mountain of paperwork on your dining table. Read on for our top organisational tips…
Set a Timer
Feeling less than motivated to set to in the kitchen? Set a timer and give yourself, say, 10 minutes to tackle each cupboard or workspace. There’s something about being against the clock that helps us get stuff done – we don’t know about you? Do this, then, and you’ll have the whole kitchen ship shape in no time.

Put Away Anything You Don’t Use Daily
How often do you really use that fancy hot chocolate machine? Or maybe your toastie maker always seems to be on the cupboard top but rarely sees any action? The easiest way to make your kitchen appear less cluttered is to simply put away anything you don’t use daily. You’ll be surprised how quickly a cluttered kitchen can look much more orderly.
Tackle Those Cupboards
You’ve probably been putting it off, but if you want a less cluttered kitchen it’s time to sort out those cupboards – once and for all. Take every last item off the shelves of your cupboards and place them on your worktop. Do this one cupboard at a time, so it isn’t so overwhelming.
Now you can see exactly what you’ve got, you’ll be able to easily rifle through everything and discover what’s out of date and what you have far too many tins or packets of. Consider, if you can, donating excess food items to a local food bank and vow to make use up all those half-filled bags of flour (any excuse to bake) and caster sugar before they expire.

Be Ruthless (if you can afford to be)
Be honest with yourself; how often do you use your juicer or smoothie maker? If they’re gathering dust at the back of your cupboards, despite your best intentions to get your daily dose of fruit and veg, it might be time to pass them onto someone who will definitely use them. Ditto those 15 novelty shot glasses, or umpteen, different-shaped pint glasses.
If you can afford to be ruthless when organising your kitchen, do it! You may well thank yourself later.
Sort Out ‘That Drawer’
We all have a kitchen drawer that’s stuffed to the brim with miscellaneous items – many of which don’t even belong in the kitchen. Now’s the time to sort it out, then. Again, empty it out onto your worktop and start by discarding old receipts and takeaway flyers. Next, add items that don’t belong in the kitchen into a carrier bag, ready to return to their rightful rooms in the house.

Once you have only necessary items in your kitchen drawer, begin placing them back in the drawer, wiping them down if they need it. Et voila, a small and simple task but you’ll be so glad you did it. The same goes for that paperwork on the kitchen table – is it time to leaf through it, shred the unwanted stuff and add the important documents to an accordion file?
Will you be decluttering your kitchen this weekend?
Until next time…
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