Five Summer Seafood Dishes

Whether you’re a full-blown pescetarian or you enjoy fish only on occasion, we’ve scoured the foodie sites for some of the best seafood recipes.

Don’t eat fish? Adapt the recipe with a plant-friendly alternative and enjoy this dish your way. Read on for our favourite dishes for summer and beyond…

Seafood Paella

Nothing screams summer quite like paella. Add seafood, then, and you may as well be sitting on a beach somewhere in Spain, glass of wine in hand and a huge bowl of paella in front of you.

TESCO invites you to ‘make your paella punchy with saffron-infused fish stock and carefully placed fresh tiger prawns, mussels and squid’. This recipe also features chopped fresh parsley and a squeeze of zingy lemon juice – give it a go.

Lobster Mac and Cheese

A truly indulgent meal and certainly not one for weekdays (unless you’re feeling particularly luxurious!), this lobster mac and cheese recipe is bound to be a big hit for both the home cook and those fortunate enough to sample it. Top with garlic breadcrumbs for a crispy finish and serve with a summery side salad.

If you’re not a fan of fish, though, make it without – it’s bound to be a treat either way.

Cold, Poached Salmon

How do you like your salmon?

If you haven’t mastered poaching it yet, try this recipe. To create this seafood dish, a large salmon fillet is gently poached in water, wine, and aromatics. It’s then chilled and served with a creamy, flavourful yoghurt sauce.

It’ll take you an hour and a half to make and it provides up to 10 servings – the perfect summer dish, during the week or at the weekend.

Steamed Mussels with White Wine Broth

Ever cooked mussels? This recipe sees you combine them in a flavourful broth, with white wine, garlic, and shallots. Enjoy them as a starter or, as a main course when served with plenty of buttered French stick. Oooh, la la.

This is the perfect meal for alfresco dining this summer. Cook, dish up and head outside to your garden or yard (if you’re fortunate to have either) – it’s simple enough to make and even simpler to devour. Tuck into the mussels and then mop up the broth with your bread. Delish.

Tuna and Tomato Salad with Olives

If the only tuna you regularly eat comes from a tin, maybe it’s time to cook the fish from scratch. Go on, be brave!

Olive magazine has the recipe, which features marinated tomatoes and Kalamata olives, which “add real colour and flavour to this vibrant Mediterranean-style tuna salad.”

This isn’t your usual midweek (or even weekend) meal, so save it for a special occasion and truly savour it. It really is a winner.

Will you be trying any of these recipes out? Let us know by commenting on this blog post – and don’t forget to share with us your own favourite seafood recipe (or three).

Until next time…

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