How to Organise Your Kitchen on a Budget

Isn’t it annoying when you suddenly realise there’s no more room in your kitchen for…anything else? And it doesn’t matter how many things we throw out, that newly-acquired space soon gets filled with more stuff.

If only we could organise our kitchen, so that we could maximise the space we have without having to throw out what we might potentially need somewhere down the line.

Isn’t rubbish the thing we throw away, only to realise, weeks later, we need it?

Not good. So let’s go through some simple ways you can save space in your kitchen, maximise the space you have, and not end up throwing something away that you might later regret.

Pots and Pans Galore

As people, we like to accumulate things. We’re a bit like squirrels in that respect. Though who’s ever seen a squirrel collecting pans? Not us.

They are bulky and cumbersome (pans, not squirrels), and yet they are a must-have for every kitchen.

Here are eight storage ideas for pots and pans that could help transform your kitchen, no matter how big or small it is.

But what about pan lids?

We hear you. Pan lids can be a nightmare to store. They can be clumsy, and they always seem to get in the way of the things we want to use. Why is that?

(And why does it always feel like we have more lids than pans?!)

Here are 10 inexpensive ways of storing those pesky lids, to bring some order to your kitchen.

Herbs, herbs, herbs

It’s so easy to accumulate those little jars of herbs. You make one dish, and it needs a little thyme, or oregano, so you buy a jar or two. Then you make another dish and it needs some chilli flakes, or turmeric, or curry powder— perhaps all three —so you buy them, and use them, and enjoy them.

But there’s a reason we end up with so many of them: we only ever use a small amount. Before you know it, you’ve got a whole cupboard dedicated to your herb collection!

Have a look at this crafty device from Joseph Joseph. It sits under your shelf, in your cupboard, so you can free up some space on top. Your cupboard ends up looking herb-free, when in reality they’re nicely tucked away in their own little compartment.

Now, those drawers

Hands up: Whose kitchen is predominantly spotless and orderly — aside from inside the drawers?

It’s okay. Cut yourself a bit of slack. Nobody’s going to be going through your drawers anytime soon. Unless your mum pays you a surprise visit…or your in-laws pop round on a lazy Sunday.

Enough of the nightmares!

Here’s an article that’s an absolute lifesaver when it comes to organising your kitchen drawers. It’s aptly called How to Organise Kitchen Drawers.

So have a read, adopt a few simple ideas, and you’ll be able to rest easy at night knowing that your kitchen (including the drawers) are in tip-top shape.

Until next time.