Wine Coolers: A Handy FAQ Guide
Want to keep your wine cool over the festive season? Of course you do. So what better time than now to dip into our handy FAQ guide all about wine – and how to keep it cool.
Read on and get prepared for Christmas – because even if Boris says we can’t mingle with our nearest and dearest, we’ll still have wine. And nothing can stop us from enjoying a glass or two of an evening. Make sure you always drink responsibly, though.
Should I store red wine in a wine cooler?
No, you don’t need to store red wine in a wine cooler. In fact, keeping it at room temperature is best for the wine. That said, the Wine Folly site says this: ‘In most cases, a refrigerator goes a long way to keeping wine for longer, even red wines. When stored at colder temperatures, the chemical processes slow down, including the process of oxidation that takes place when oxygen hits the wine.’

So do bear that in mind if you want to keep your wine longer, but if you’re planning to drink it, room temperature is best for maximum wine drinking enjoyment.
What about white wine; should I keep that at room temperature?
Again, no…but don’t be tempted to store your wine in the fridge for too long, either, as a lack of moisture can dry out the cork which may mean air will enter the bottle. What that might mean for your wine is a less than satisfying taste.
Remove whites from the fridge and give them chance to warm up.
Wine coolers ensure your wine is always ready to serve, though.
If you want to splash out on a wine cooler, you’ll find your white wine will be ready to drink – and at the perfect temperature, meaning you won’t have to remember to get your wine out of the fridge a while before you’re actually ready to drink it.

Check out our range of wine coolers here; there’s one to suit every budget – and they also make an ideal Christmas gift for the couple who ahave everything.
Why is it important to keep my wines at the right temperature?
Of course, the choice is always yours…you may prefer your wine at room temperature or cooler.
But if you store your wine at the temperature it’s intended to be stored at, you will be able to enjoy its many flavours and aromas – and what could be better than that?! By storing your wine properly, you’re really getting the best from your bottle.
What type of wine cooler should I get?
Well, that depends on a few things – one being, of course, your budget. But we really do have a wine cooler with everyone in mind.
Pictured: our ART29624 60cm Black Glass Dual Zone Wine Cooler

Our freestanding wine coolers come in a range of sizes, too. They’re ideal for anyone who loves a glass of wine but finds they’re constantly running of space to store their collection in the fridge. Plus, a wine cooler is a great addition to any contemporary kitchen – and will certainly pique the interest of your guests.
And if you don’t have any guests over the festive season…well, you can just enjoy a solo glass of wine.
Have a question about any of our wine coolers? Do not hesitate to get in touch with our team here. You can also find us on Facebook and Twitter.
Until next time…