Socially Distanced Easter Games for the Whole Family
Ah, a socially distanced Easter! It’ll be great to see the family, but how do you celebrate what would normally be a weekend spent around the dining table feasting on a roast dinner with those closest to you? Things may be different this year, but that doesn’t mean they can’t still be fun.
We have a few games in mind – that can also be played in a socially distant way. Read on…
Easter Egg Hunt
What would Easter weekend be without an egg hunt, eh? If your kids’ friends are visiting or you’re short of space in the garden, rather than sending them all off on a hunt for choccie eggs at the same time, hide a couple of eggs and set one child off looking for them. Then, hide two more eggs…and set the next child off. That way, the kids aren’t excitedly running around and crossing paths too much.
It is difficult to encourage kids (especially young children) to distance themselves from one another, though, so make sure they wash their hands as regularly as possible. You could set up a hand sanitising station in the garden for them to use.

Easter-themed Family Quiz
If you’re playing it safe this Easter and not meeting family outdoors, why not host a family quiz over Zoom – with an Easter theme? You could even encourage people to attend wearing Easter-themed fancy dress, or you could do an Easter bonnet-designing competition, with everyone wearing their creations and the winner taking a five-point lead. Everyone will love getting together – and you’ll be doing so as safely as possible too.

Paint an Egg Competition
Keen to stay local this Easter weekend? Why not hole up at home and plan a day of crafts? It isn’t a game, as such, but it’ll bring everyone together and it’s a cheap and fuss-free idea for the long weekend. You could take everything outside, if you have a yard or garden, and get some vitamin D in the process. A paint an egg craft is simple, stress-free and something people of all ages can get involved with.
You could have a prize for the best egg; maybe get a neighbour to judge the eggs and pick a winner? You could even encourage others on your street to get involved, asking them to leave a painted egg at the bottom of their path for people to see as they wander past. You could then select a neighbour to judge them and pick a street winner.

Socially Distanced Sports Day
Why not plan a mini family sports day, in the local park, or in your garden – if you have space? You could take part with your immediate household or one other household and have an egg and spoon race, a sack race (all socially distanced, of course), or a bean bag-on-head race. Lots of fun!
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Until next time…
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